From Our Blog
Paint Your Lines & Protect Your Rights
Dave Milton
October 20th, 2015
I’ve been dealing with property line issues for years and the biggest problem that I’ve run across with rural timberland is vague and unpainted property lines between two timberland owners.
Once you have your timberland property lines clear and established, it is foolish to not paint them. The most common resistance that I hear in regards to painting lines goes something like this, “Well I know where my lines are. Why should I worry about painting them?” That may be true, but think about these three questions: Are you sure that your neighbors know where the lines are? More importantly, are you sure that your neighbor’s logger knows where the lines are? And finally, are you sure that your spouse or heirs will know where the lines are at the time of your death?
The biggest problem in getting lines painted professionally for an individual landowner has been that individual landowners have not known where to go to have their lines painted in the professional manner that we see in the timber industry. That has been a problem in the past, but just recently Scott Phillips, a long time professional line painter for the timber industry, has agreed to take on some smaller individually owned tracts to paint.
Scott must have 1 mile of property line, minimum, to paint. He will charge between $200 to $240 per mile and provide the high quality paint (timber company specs) in the color of your choice. Contact Jeanne at the Southeastern Land Group office today – (866) 751-LAND – and don’t wait to protect your property.
Best regards,
Dave Milton
Broker, RLI